Hello, it’s Pinky here,

Welcome to my Boobie Business Bootcamp.

In this eight week Boobie Business Bootcamp, you’ll receive six weekly classes( a class will be unlocked each week) that will give you exactly what you need, in the order you need, to book more of the clients you love working with and continuously up-level your Boobie Business. 

Then for two more weeks, I will support and guide you as you work on your business, because I understand ‘life happens’ and we all need some space to get ‘All. The. Things.’  done, without feeling totally overwhelmed. I want you to feel absolutely confident that you are ready to rock your Boobie Business and to see you get started taking your steps to a successful, sustainable lactation practice.  

PLUS you will also receive:

  • On Demand Replays

    Unlimited access – Class videos and bonus audio interviews are yours to keep. Replay to refresh when you need a boost.

  • PDF Downloads

    Worksheets and handouts with each lesson to quickly clarify your next important business growth move – relax though, I’m not giving you a stack of assignments or ‘busy work’ that will take up your precious time. PLUS, in case you want to go deeper (it’s up to you), I will share my favourite resource links.

  • Checklists

    Create your own unique style of practice (choose how and when and where you want to work – isn’t this the beauty of creating your own business?) and check your progress as you fill out these practical ‘tick the box’ check lists.

  • Script templates

    Stuck for words? Simply fill in the blanks to write web copy that shows your ideal client ‘she ‘gets’ me and she can help me’ (without paying a small fortune to hire an advertising copywriter). Plus, scripts for phone calls that book your client without giving away a free consult (of course you can offer immediate help, but don’t give away the farm!)

  • Collaboration

    Membership in our ‘Boobie Business Bootcamp’ private facebook group for sharing ideas and support.

  • Weekly Q and A with Pinky

    Stuck? Need clarity? Want some help? Each week – for 8 weeks – I will be online answering your questions. If you can’t make the calls, you can send in your question in advance, I will answer it and I will send you a link to the recording.

Watch Intro Video

Introduction video

I totally have your back!

I’ve designed this eight-week group coaching course to give you everything you need to address what IBCLC’s in private practice need most to set up and grow your business. 

So, come on, roll up your sleeves, pull up your big girl panties and let’s get started! 


Course curriculum

  • 1

    Week #1: Money Magic

    • [1.0.0] Week #1 Introduction
    • [1.1.0] Lesson One: Getting started, your biz name and naming rights
    • [1.1.1] Lesson One Handout
    • [1.2.0] Lesson Two: Creating Sound Foundations, Legal registrations. Invoicing and tools
    • [1.2.1] Lesson Two Handout
    • [1.3.0] Lesson Three: Let’s talk money – what are you worth?
    • [1.3.1] Lesson Three Handout
    • [1.4.0] Lesson Four: Getting Paid - Your Pricing strategy
    • [1.4.1] Lesson Four Handout
    • [1.4.2] Resources and Links
    • [1.4.3] Private Health Fund Contact Details
  • 2

    Week #2: Your Winning Website

    • [2.0.0] Week #2 Introduction
    • [2.1.0] Lesson One: It’s all about HER
    • [2.1.1] Lesson One Handout
    • [2.2.0] Lesson Two: It’s all about you
    • [2.2.1] Lesson Two Handout
    • [2.3.0] Lesson Three: Scheduling Consultations
    • [2.3.1] Lesson Three Handout
    • [2.4.0] Lesson Four: Photos, Images – getting real
    • [2.4.1] Lesson Four Handout
    • [2.4.2] Resources and Links
    • [2.4.3] Sample Model Release Form
  • 3

    Week #3: Engaging Emails (for free)

    • [3.0.0] Week #3 Introduction
    • [3.1.0] Lesson One: Your newsletter style
    • [3.1.1] Lesson One Handout
    • [3.2.0] Lesson Two: Your Newsletter Program - simple tech stuff
    • [3.3.0] Lesson Three: Grow your list!
    • [3.3.1] Lesson Three Handout
    • [3.3.2] Resources and Links
  • 4

    Week #4: Promoting with Passion

    • [4.0.0] Week #4 Introduction
    • [4.1.0] Lesson One: Centres of influence
    • [4.1.1] Lesson One Handout
    • [4.2.0] Lesson Two: Facebook
    • [4.2.1] Lesson Two Handout
    • [4.3.0] Lesson Three: Growing your Facebook audience
    • [4.3.1] Lesson Three Handout
    • [4.4.0] Lesson Four: Instagram – create your brand look and feel
    • [4.4.1] Lesson Four Handout
    • [4.5.0] Lesson Five: Press and Media
    • [4.5.1] Lesson Five Handout
  • 5

    Week #5: Creating Viral Content

    • [5.0.0] Week #5 Introduction
    • [5.1.0] Lesson One: What will I blog about?
    • [5.1.1] Lesson One Handout
    • [5.2.0] Lesson Two: Creating a content plan
    • [5.2.1] Lesson Two Handout
    • [5.3.0] Lesson Three: Setting up your blog
    • [5.4.0] Lesson Four: Making your blog work for you
  • 6

    Week #5 Bonus: Pinky’s Boobie Business Bootcamp Video Module

    • [5.5.0] Introduction
    • [5.5.1] Session 1: Equipment and set up
    • [5.5.2] Session 1 Handout - Set up check list
    • [5.5.3] Session 1 Handout - Video Equipment list: free and low cost PLUS where to buy
    • [5.5.4] Session 2: Going live video
    • [5.5.5] Going live Handout
    • [5.5.6] Session 3: Lights, Camera, Action! Video
    • [5.5.7] Session 3 Handout: Lights, Camera, Action Checklist
  • 7

    Week #6: Making Mothers Love You

    • [6.0.0] Week #6 Introduction
    • [6.1.0] Lesson One: Communicating with your clients
    • [6.1.1] Lesson One Handout
    • [6.2.0] Lesson Two: Follow up - Setting boundaries
    • [6.2.1] Lesson Two Handout
    • [6.2.2] Resources and Links
  • 8

    Weeks #7 & #8

    • Catch Up and Doing


“I can never thank you enough for the incredible information and support that enabled me to take my thought "I think I should start private practice" to a business with a website, social media presence and what's more important - paying clients! You gave me the roadmap and encouraged me each step of the way - Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would highly recommend Boobie Bootcamp to anyone thinking of starting as an IBCLC in private practice.”

Narelle Crane, Endorsed Midwife, IBCLC- Abreast StartNarelle Crane, Endorsed Midwife, IBCLC- Abreast Start

“Some months ago you approached a bunch of IBCLC’s with an offer to take us under your wing and teach a system to build our own sustainable lactation practice. Boobie Business Bootcamp delivered on the promise that Pinky would "hold your hand and gently kick your butt all the way”. Personally- I needed quite a bit of both and it motivated me to create a website, memes and blogs for the benefit of the mothers and others with whom I have contact. Boobie Business Bootcamp also provided plenty of information and opportunity for those who wish to go ’next level’ about approaching publicity and media. There was never any pressure about compulsory assignments to commit to doing all of the things that were discussed which is wonderful- emphasis was always on encouraging the participants to do what they wanted to the level that they wanted and within the timeframes that were workable for the individuals. This group has become a source of support and Pinky has really taken and interest in the progress of each of us as we now share our developments and get and give feedback to those in the course group. Pinky’s personal involvement has meant a greater outreach for the items that we post on Facebook, via blogs and websites. Pinky celebrated with us as each got to our own new level! Thanks Pinky- you have definitely delivered and provide new ways of thinking about what we, in the lactation world, love to do!”

Cath Williams IBCLC, Sunshine Coast Breastfeeding Support.Cath Williams IBCLC, Sunshine Coast Breastfeeding Support.

“The time you have given throughout your Bootcamp and beyond has been nothing short of wonderful. The Business Bootcamp was a tremendous way to begin putting the wheels in motion to start in Private Practice. The modules were easy to understand and follow; the content you provided had all the building blocks to commence building a business successfully from the beginning. The additional follow up and weekly calls with you; are in my eyes priceless. Your expertise and knowledge is second to none and I would highly (and have) recommend your Business Bootcamp to any IBCLC who has thought of branching off into Private Practice. It has been a privilege to be under your mentorship and I will be forever grateful.”

Kyleen Sayer- IBCLC, RN - Lactation Connect Kyleen Sayer- IBCLC, RN - Lactation Connect

Enrol in the Bootcamp from the Home Page

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